Monday, May 11, 2009 Comment0 Comments

April 12th - April 13th

Not much to tell here - only took one pikkie! (Note, we were on the far right, as you look at the photo above)

We spent the afternoon and night at the bach of a wonderful woman, Rachel, whom I had met on Saturday at Tim's. Anyway, she had taken a liking to me (rare, I know), and invited us to stay the night at hers after leaving Tim's. This we did.

Ocean Beach is gorgeous - very much old-school Kiwiana with its run-down old baches and buggerall else other than some more gorgeous coastline. Rachel, who is Maori, and her family own a bunch of the land tehre, and have been fighting off developers tooth and nail for years, who would love nothing more than to turn this slightly pre-loved, and incredibly characterful, area into, no doubt, some lovely but soulless beach baches for executives. No thanks.

Interestingly, many of the baches are quite old, and can never be significantly fixed up as they break about a million building codes, meaning that whatever people have now, they're stuck with (apart form the occasional repair). Brillliant!


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